Authentic Couscous Salad

 For the dressing we need:

  • 10 ml Extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 table spoon mix of Italian Spices & herbs
  • 7 ml wine Vinegar
  • Pinch of Salt
  • Pinch of sugar

Recipe for dressing

In a big bowl mix together extra virgin olive oil, spices, vinegar, sugar and salt with herbs. Continue stirring with the whisk until aromatic flavour develops in dressing.


For couscous salad we need:

  • 100 gm. Couscous
  • 10 gm Black Olives
  • 10 gm of croutons
  • 10 gm red tomato
  • 10 gm Fresh coriander

Recipe for salad :

Pour 100 gm packet of couscous into a large bowl and add 200 ml hot boiling water, Cover and leave in a fridge for 45 minutes. Slice black olives in half length wise. Chop fresh basil lengthwise.

At the time of serving (in a big bowl) mix all the ingredients including tomato and croutons in a dressing and fold it gently.

Serve it cold.



  � 2010, Dolce Vita, All rights reserved.